Primus: Les Claypool (vocals, bass); Larry "Ler" LaLonde (guitar); Tim "Herb" Alexander (drums).
Additional personnel: Tom Waits (vocals); Mike Bordin, Butt House.
Primus' major label debut (and third release overall), 1991's SAILING THE SEAS OF CHEESE had a long chart life, eventually being Primus' first release to go gold and break the band to a wider audience. Basssist/singer Les Claypool's bizarre sense of humor runs rampant through out--igniting such tracks as the stomping "Here Come the Bastards," the "Full Metal Jacket"-esque "Sgt. Baker," the explosive "Jerry Was A Race Car Driver," and the long and winding "Those Damned Blue Collar Tweekers." Also featured was a new version of "Tommy the Cat," featuring Tom Waits on vocals. Regrettably, SAILING THE SEAS OF CHEESE was Primus' last truly classic release.
- Genre: Pop
- RSD Date: n/a
- Format: Vinyl
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