Jawbreaker - 24 HOUR REVENGE THERAPY Vinyl
More trials and tribulations than an average episode of Melrose Place, Jawbreaker continue to explore their personal struggles on their third album, fittingly titled 24 Hour Revenge Therapy. Continuing in the Jawbreaker tradition of poetic lyrics that provide a mental image to each song, the band deal with their endeavors through music instead of wallowing in them, making this record not entirely bleak. "Do You Still Hate Me," for example, has the persona dishing out the friction of a relationship gone sour through talking to the person in question: "I wrote you a letter/I heard it upset you/How can I do this better/We're getting older/But we're acting younger." Being critiqued and ostracized from their scene during the height of their popularity was another headache singer/songwriter Blake Schwarzenbach dealt with around the time this album was released (their previous album, Bivouac, provided them with a huge cult following). This no doubt inspired the song "Indictment," which talks about not caring what anyone thinks of their songwriting ("I just wrote the dumbest song/It's going to be a singalong/Our enemies will laugh and be pointing/It wont bother me, what the thoughtless are thinking"). Providing the perfect flow of temperamental pop to go along with these stories is proof enough that 24 Hour Revenge Therapy is an acme of Jawbreaker's creative output. ~ Mike DaRonco
- Format Detail: LP
- Genre: Pop
- Format: Vinyl
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Aguarde de 1 a 3 semanas para que os pacotes cheguem! O tempo de processamento do pedido é normalmente de 1 a 3 dias úteis, com a maioria dos pedidos sendo enviados em 24 horas. Sábados, domingos e feriados não são dias úteis. Os tempos de envio podem ser um pouco mais longos durante os horários de pico dos feriados.