Death Cab For Cutie - Narrow Stairs Vinyl
Throughout their career, and especially since they were forever enshrined as the favorite band of sardonic emo kid Seth Cohen on television's THE OC, Death Cab For Cutie have always been known as indie rock's most famous sensitive guys. Even at their most abrasive on previous albums like PLANS and WE HAVE THE FACTS AND WE'RE VOTING YES, Ben Gibbard and crew have always had an inherent gentleness along with the low-key pop sensibility that allowed them to make the jump from the indie fringe to major-label stardom. The ambitious, experimental NARROW STAIRS is Death Cab For Cutie's unexpectedly edgy response to any preconceptions, a wide-ranging, noisy and exciting album that sounds little like anything they've done before. From the epic-length first single. "I Will Possess Your Heart." through the spacy, almost psychedelic "Pity and Fear" and the noise-riddled "Your New Twin Sized Bed," NARROW STAIRS is Death Cab For Cutie's equivalent to Radiohead's KID A, a bracingly ambitious attempt to counter expectations as their stardom ascends.
- Genre: Rock
- RSD Date: DDD
- Format: Vinyl
- Estoque baixo - 4 itens restantes
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